First EU-African Online Business Lab for SMEs
16th , 10.00 CEST – 17th of July, 13.30 CEST
The event highlighted the chances for entrepreneurs to share the best roads towards a successful economic cooperation of smart and open-minded companies in Africa and Europe for a common future.
Applicants have the chance to:
- grow their network,
- hear from experts about funding and new cooperation alliances between the two continents,
- meet fellow entrepreneurs with whom they can start new partnerships.
Working language was in English. We offered simultaneous interpretation for French.
We would like to thank to all of you for participating in the Call for Shared Value Business Ideas and hope that you equally found this opportunity as valuable, constructive and interesting as much as we did!
The jury (European Entrepreneurs CEA-PME, GIZ, ECOBANK) re-assessed the public vote and made sure to be in line with the three main objectives of the call: jobs creation and growth on the African ground, demonstrate the real solution for the African customer as well as tackle SDG goals.
We congratulate to…
TOP 3 entrepreneurs from Kenya, Spain and Uganda who will be proposed by our teams to pitch their business idea at the EABF2020 online.
In addition, each entrepreneur receives the following prizes:
First award! Goes to Bronson Eran’ogwa – The Source Plus – KENYA
Expertise voucher: The business plan will be evaluated and improved according to the needs of the African market directly by experts in the sector.
Second award! Goes to Santiago Orlando – Interal – SPAIN
Travel cost contributions to on site visit in Africa to implement the business idea.
Third award! Goes to Francis Turyahikayo – Kashari Farm
In-depth counselling and coaching from experts.
Special Mention goes to Mr. Thierry Nsaka, Makuta – Digital Banking, Belgium – DRC
For your great grit to find a sustainable digital solution for the African diaspora and African people on the continent in doing money transfer in more transparent and efficient way.
Consortium of Partners Introduction
PACCI - Pan African Chamber of Commerce and Industry
PACCI is an international organization established in 2009 representing over 20 million businesses in Africa through 51 members(42 national associations of chambers of commerce and industry and 4 sub-regional chamber organizations, 5 industry associations). PACCI acts as the eyes, ears and voice of the business community at AU level. More than 95% of these businesses are small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). To keep pace with the ever-evolving continental trade landscape, PACCI actively participated in all the technical advisory committee meetings related to the AFCFTA negotiation. PACCI organized three biennium conferences under the theme ‘Africa Prosperity’discuss the challenges and opportunities of the AfCFTA with government officials, lawyers, traders and company representatives from various industries.
The efforts of a remarkably large and qualitative group of African business and trade experts has allowed PACCI to provide the AUC Secretariat in Addis Ababa and African government trade officials with practical input on ways to engage the private sector in the implementation of the AfCFTA. With the support of the UNECA/ATPC, PACCI supported the interregional pilot projects on advancing the concept of the Single Window, the publishing of the SW implementation guide, the cooperation agreements to collaborate with the African Alliance for Electronic Commerce to implement the African portal for foreign trade aimed at boosting intra-African trade.
Der Mittelstand BVMW
The BVMW is a politically independent association which caters for all commercial branches and professions, and represents the interests of small and medium-sized businesses in politics, with administrative authorities, with trade unions and with major companies. Medium-sized businesses – around 3.3 million individual enterprises in all – are the backbone and impulse of the German economy.
Through your membership of the BVMW, you assist in strengthening the situation of small and medium-sized businesses and enable them to secure a more powerful position.
At the same time you, too, benefit from the services of a large and growing mutually supportive group.
CEA - PME European Entrepreneurs
European Entrepreneurs CEA-PME (Confédération Européenne des Associations de Petites et Moyennes Entreprises) is the biggest confederation of voluntarily associated small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). We are a Brussels-based business federation which currently counts 22 European associations among its members, with more than 2.1 million enterprises, employing over 16 million people. It maintains relationships with 11 partner associations in Europe, the Americas, Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand.
Upcoming Updates:
- Project scope and timeline updates