We are delighted to inform you that on September 14th, 2023 at the Hilton Hotel – Addis Ababa we are heading a High-level IATF briefing cocktail had happened successfully. The event is jointly organized by the Pan African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PACCI), The Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt (Economic & Commercial Office), and the African Export-Import Bank (AfreximBank). This will be an excellent opportunity to network and learn about the Intra African Trade Fair (IATF) to be held in Cairo, Egypt on November 9- 15, 2023.
The Intra-Africa Trade Fair (www.intrafricantradefair.com) is one of the biggest trade events with more than 1600 exhibitors and 35,000 visitors from Africa and beyond—those who want to take their business to Cairo, Egypt on IATF. Please email btesfu@pacci.org or contact me.
Mr Kebour Ghenna , Executive Director of the Pan African Chamber of Commerce and Industry
“I urge all African nations, businesses, and entrepreneurs to actively participate in the 2023 Intra African Trade Fair in Cairo. Let us seize this unique opportunity, build bridges, and break down barriers to create a prosperous and united Africa. Together, we can turn our dreams of economic growth and shared prosperity into a vibrant and tangible reality. ”
Mr. Fadel M. Yacoub
Minister Plenipotentiary of Egypt Embassy to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
“Egypt’s unwavering commitment towards the African trade agenda is clear. Within the AfCFTA process, Egypt is an active member of the Guided Trade Initiative which seeks to facilitate trade among interested state parties that have met the minimum requirements for trade, under the Agreement. ”
Ambassador Mohamed Omar Gad, Egypt Embassy to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
“It is our opinion that such mega projects should not and cannot be realized solely by way of an increase in by that country. But they should also become. The catalyst behind more vigilant functional and concrete common in the African investment”
His Excellency Albert M. Muchanga, African Union Commissioner for Economic Development Trade Tourism Industry and Minerals
“I am agin turning back to the Pan African Chamber of Commerce and Industry to go into joint ventures with foreign investors to increase investment across our continent.”
Dr Gainmore Zanamwe, Ag. Director, Intra-African Trade Facilitation and IATF
“IATF has been fully embraced by the AU Heads of State and Government. Underscoring the high importance of the IATF as a continental initiative and as the marketplace for the AfCFTA, the African Union Summit in 2023 approved the theme for the year “Acceleration of the Implementation of the AfCFTA”.